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US rapper NF goes number one with very little press.

How did he do it?

By Bella DiStefano

November 2, 2017

For the past few weeks we have seen Michigan rapper NF climbing the charts with great speed. Being an artist with very little press awareness it’s insane to witness such success. With the months counting down till his US tour for his 3rd album “Perception” beginning in January 2017, we sat down to find out the secret to his success.


Read Real Music Q&A with NF below:



How does it feel to reach number 1?


“It feels amazing. I’m very thankful and grateful that I have such dedicated fans. It’s great to know that all this hard work has finally started to pay off. “

I think everyone is curious as to how one is able to reach such success with very little press involved. How did you pull it off?


“To be real with you, I believe it has to do with the fact that I’m so relatable. I create music in which provides a voice to those that feel the same as I do. They may not know the words to express what they are feeling/ or going through, but when they hear my music, it just clicks.  Not to mention, my music is very raw. They can hear the emotions. They can hear the pain in my voice.”


Not to backtrack, you created a song called “How did you leave us?”, as you just mentioned, your music is raw. Do you think this song in particular from your 2nd album “Therapy Sessions”, helped the success of your career?


“No doubt that song played a huge part in my success. On that album I was very open. I dug deeper into my past then I did with the first record. Before that song, the fans knew something had happened with my mother. They could connect the dots. But with “How did you leave us?” I spelled it out for them. I put all my pain into that song. People who lost a parent to drugs could relate.  Those kids had a song they could play on full blast to help cope. “
















Was it hard for you to perform knowing you’d have to be so vulnerable?


“In the beginning it was really rough. Every time I perform it, I get emotional. It’s just how it is. The fans understand that and let me have that moment.”


With a US tour slowly approaching, will there be a European lag?


“After we do the US lag there will be a few European stops as well. This will be the first time I’ll be performing for them. It’s really exciting.”


While on tour are you able to make music on the road, or do you wait till your back to the studio?


“With this last tour, I was writing Perception while on the road. Normally I’d rather be in the studio, but I write as a way to escape. I’m always writing. So when I was on the road and I had six hours till I’d be at the next city, I used that time to create. When I was feeling a type of way, I would write. If something was bothering me, I would grab a pen and paper.


There’s a song “You Special” on your new album, is this about your girlfriend Bridgette?


“Yeah it is actually. She’s something else. She’s put up so much with me. I’ve never felt like this before. Not to get too personal, we met at one of my shows a few years back. I was a headliner. Her friend was the one that was in charge of getting acts to play at the show. So he introduced us backstage. We got to talking. I needed to get a redbull, we changed numbers.  The rest is history. She’s taught me a lot. She’s definably helped me in more ways than one. “







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