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We had previously asked for supporters to send in some of their feedback from meeting and seeing their favorite artists perform. We know at Real Music, every concert is a different experience so we wanted to hear yours!

“Do not get me started on Bobby/Logic. His new album Everybody is such a concept that I’m surprised it was pulled off. He really digs deep and tries to create a message. I watched the documentary on the making of Everybody and to see his pure happiness from what he has created for himself is such an amazing sight. He finally was able to reach that point in life that he has everything that his little self could only dream off. “

Kim, 18, Texas


“The first time I met Logic was a few years back before his come up. I’ve made it a point to keep up with his career. He’s just a real honest down to earth guy. He just wants to make you smile. I often times look back on that time I met him and how caring he was. He actually wanted to know who I was and what I was about. “

Chris, 19, Maine

“To be in the crowd surrounded by others that are struggling is an overwhelming feeling. Nates music is basically an inside look at his childhood and the demons he faces. So to know everyone that was around me related on some level is sad but also an amazing feeling. Makes you feel as if you aren’t the only one on this road. “

Jason, 17, Therapy Session Tour, Phoenix


“Everyone needs to see him perform. Not only can you see the raw emotions but he puts sooo much effort into his shows. I was in line waiting to meet him and no one was fangirling. It wasn’t that crazy. But you could tell everyone that was in line had a purpose for wanting to see him. Rather that be just to say hi or to thank him for shining a light on a subject that rather would have not been discussed otherwise.”

Rose, 24. Therapy Session Tour, New York



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